New Delhi: In an effort to simplify the experience of users, WhatsApp works to introduce a rapid heart emoji reaction to the status update, similar to what we have seen on Instagram brings some time ago, according to Wabaainfo, the beta of what’s up. Meta, WhatsApp and Instagram parent firm, recently launched a similar feature for the latter which makes it easier to react to a story on Instagram.
“While WhatsApp is trying to bring a new version of the message reaction by adding the ability to react to messages with any emoji, companies are now developing other new features: quick reaction! What is a quick reaction? This is a way to send emojis quickly when looking at the status update on WhatsApp, So the same feature that we use on Instagram when reacting to a story!, “Wababorfo wrote on his page.
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As mentioned above, after the feature is launched, users will be able to see emojis above the box, not just a text box, when they see the status on WhatsApp. The same thing is available on Instagram stories that are similar to WhatsApp status.
WABETAINFO shares screenshots features that are being developed and added: “As you can see on this screenshot, when you see the status update from WhatsApp Desktop, WhatsApp plans to add 8 new emojis for use as a reaction: face smiling with eyes, face With tears of joy, face with mouth open, face crying, folded hands, hands clapping, party popper, and one hundred points. “
It should be noted that this feature is being developed, and there is no official confirmation or word from WhatsApp about the release date so we don’t know when it will be available for beta users. Meanwhile, WhatsApp, to compete with Google Pay rival and the Paytm Homegrown Payment Company, works to introduce prize money back to UPI payment service users in India. This development came immediately after the meta owned by WhatsApp won the regulation approval for more than double the payment that offers 100 million or 10 CRORE users in India, as well as the largest market.
Earlier this month, the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) gave the green light to 60 million additional users at the Integrated Payment Interface (UPI) for WhatsApp, thus, increasing payments offering to 100 million users on the platform.